My New WordPress Plugins

Using the last weekend for optimizing blog a little bit more, I decided to install some nice plugins and useful tweaks to make the blog more easier to share and use. Here is what I did this weekend.

One thing I learnt was that with the mistylook theme that I am using on this blog, the single.php file is the main index template and not the page template file. Any changes you want to make, youw ill have to make it in the index.php file.

MyAvatar is a plugin for wordpress that displays your MyBlogLog picture near your comments. That’s a nice feature I had seen on a lot of blogs, so here it is! I tweaked the plugin a bit to change to rollover text to English. Just open the plugin in notepad and search for “Guarda il mio profilo su” and change to the text you want to display!

Spread The Word: This is a useful small plugin which allows your post to be shared in almost all the social bookmarking sites. I tweaked this a little bit to display the share icon created by Alex. Thats a really nice icon, hope it becomes a standard like the RSS icon.

Subscribe to comments: Now you can view all the comments without acctually having to visit my blog! This plugin seems not to be working now, since all the outgoing mails from my server seems to get lost somewhere or the other. I have mailed the host about this, hopefully either this will be solved or I will change the host 😀

Feedburner Forward: I signed up with FeedBurner sometime back and never acctually bothered to use them. Now I have installed a plugin that will forward my feeds through them. I don’t see the purpose now, maybe it is useful. For all those subscribing, please contact me if the feed is broken for some reason.

Mobile Edition: Now read my blog on the move! This blog is now viewable with all PDAs, mobiles and portable devices thanks to this amazing little plugin. I use my mobile for the internet pretty often, so I think this will be useful for many like me. The plugin automatically displays the mobile version when you visit my blog from the mobile. pretty useful and neat!

So how does the new plugins help or disturb you? Do leave your comments!


9 responses to “My New WordPress Plugins”

  1. Good plugins, I might install the avatar one to 🙂

    1. Nice to hear that I helped you find a good plugin! It is really nice to have this one here, helps me identify people through their pictures…

  2. If you browse using your mobile, you should get Opera Mobile.
    If it isnt available for your mobile phone get Opera Mini –,1895,2099298,00.asp

    1. I use the opera for symbian v1.0 on my N-Gage…but for some reason it seems to display the original page than the mobile page. guess it is not a mobile browser like the built-in browser….

      1. Opera is meant to display the original page. If it displays the mobile page, then the plugin is sending the wrong page to it. Opera Browser itself takes normal webpages and adaps them for your cell phone using Small Screen Rendering system.

        That is the reason I havent added the mobile edition plugin. Millions are already using Opera mini, and Opera for Mobile is delivered out of the box with about 50 million cell phones.
        Opera Mini has a market share of 0.13%

  3. […] published my set of useful wordpress plugins the other day, it contained a lot of plugins that every blog should be […]

  4. […] which plugins are running of this Web Designer/Developer blog, you will want to check my recent wordpress plugins posts here and some useful plugins post here. I was thinking of putting up a page for all plugins I […]

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