Tag: Google

  • Google Chrome

    Google Chrome finally has seen the light of the day. Google is really on its way to domination with this Chrome browser. I got the all new browser installed within hours of its launch yesterday. I was going through the videos on youtube and it answers a lot of things about the Google Chrome browser,…

  • 32 SEO Tips You Never Knew!

    Taking off from my previous post about 32 SEO tips you never know about search engine optimization, I continue. Hope you find them useful and do remember to add in those I have missed at the comments. 15. Use a robots.txt to tell the bots. Though bots have been having better brains now than they…

  • OpenSocial:Orkut Apps goes live!

    Open Social, the Facebook killer by Google is fast approaching launch I guess. Its possibly only hours before everyone announces the launch of the much awaited Orkut Killer Apps! Orkut Killer? Yea, just the sort of thing that will kill Orkut. The new favorite pastime of millions of teenagers in India/Brazil. Since the past week,…

  • Honey, I lost my PageRank!

    Happened last weekend and I absolutely have no idea why it happened. I added my site to the webmaster central and within a week my PageRank is like poof! Gone! It does not really mean much to me on this site since I do not sell pagerank here, so advertisements are not a reason. Alexa…

  • Fun: Google is funny!

    In todays world, when you want to answer something you know nothing about, you just say: “Yo Just Google it Maan!”. Google is a search engine that is supposed to know everything right? Right. Check out the answer to the answer to life, the universe, and everything. 🙂 And guess whats on sale on Ebay…

  • First Adsense Check: Millionaire….?

    Millionaire? Not Exactly Last week I got my first Adsense Check from Google. Nothing else for a better New Year Gift! Hope I keep getting these every month! How much was it? The check was a huge princely amount of 127$! Yep, I have not left out any zeros on either side intentionally or otherwise!…

  • Orkut now safe for Girls! More New Privacy Features

    Since the facelift, Google’s Orkut has been silently adding new features to the Indian/ Brazillian MySpace (is calling them that justified?). Along with better spam management in communities, choosing what you want to show to the world and other numerous features tell us that Google is dead serious about making it big in the US…

  • MyBlogLog and Adsense Stats Comparison

    Last weekend saw one of my humour posts hit it big with StumbleUpon users. It was well received and hence a few ‘thumbs up’ brought in a lot of visits in a short time of 20 minutes. Now thats fast! But the other day I was checking the stats from all sources and MyBlogLog and…

  • Orkut Applications, Open Social and other Weekend News

    Today the much awaited Google led Open Social went live and there is a large buzz in it since a lot of social communities are a part of it including Engage.com, Friendster, hi5, Hyves, imeem, LinkedIn, MySpace, Ning, Oracle, orkut, Plaxo, Salesforce.com, Six Apart, Tianji, Viadeo, and XING. Though MySpace was not on the list,…

  • Privacy: How safe is the Alexa Toolbar

    My Alexa rankings were dropping like anything for the last few weeks without any kind of explanations or reasons. In a bid to increase my rankings, I decided to try the recently released Alexa Plugin for firefox. I was using the Search Status plugin earlier which was pretty nifty giving me a lot of informations…